About Rafael Lopes

Mini Bio


Raf is an infrastructure engineer with a bachelor’s degree in information systems. He works as a Technical Trainer at Amazon Web Services, where teaches courses and webinars in addition to participating and speaking at events and lectures for AWS users around the world. Having witnessed the birth of cloud computing with a close relationship to the subject, Lopes can speak from experience about its value and added benefits. And, with previous experience managing infrastructure on the same traditional model as Cloud Computing, he is now determined to spread content and encourage new people and companies to join this technology by taking full advantage of its capabilities.


Raf es un ingeniero de infraestructura con bachillerato en Sistemas de Información. Actualmente trabaja como Instructor Técnico en Amazon Web Services, donde da clases y webinars además de participar como discursante en eventos y clases para usuarios AWS alrededor del mundo. Habiendo presenciado el nacimiento de la computación en la nube y con un profundo entendimiento sobre la materia, Lopes puede hablar con experiencia acerca de su propuesta de valores y beneficios. Además cuenta con experiencia previa en gerencia de infraestructura tanto tradicional como en la nube, está determinado a impartir conocimiento e incentivar a nuevas personas y empresas a adherirse a esta tecnología aprovechando toda su capacidad.


Raf é engenheiro de infraestrutura e bacharel em sistemas de informação. Trabalha na Amazon Web Services como Technical Trainer, onde além de lecionar cursos e webinars, participa de eventos e palestras para usuários AWS ao redor do mundo. Por ter visto Cloud Computing nascer e pela afinidade com o assunto, sabe por experiência própria seus valores e benefícios. Previamente trabalhou na área de gerencia de infraestrutura tanto no modelo tradicional quanto Cloud, onde se determinou trabalhar disseminando conteúdo e entusiasmando novas pessoas e empresas a aderirem essa tecnologia utilizando da forma mais proveitosa e extraindo suas maiores vantagens.

Profile pictures


I currently work as a Senior Technical Instructor on Amazon Web Services, and you can find my resumé here, but I started my career when I was 13 years old, working in an Internet Service Provider in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and later as a full-time job while doing university at the same time. After working for around eight years at RJNet, I moved to a digital marketing agency called Microwave Digital Works as backend developer for six months, and then I moved to a security company called PSafe, where I started as Infrastructure Analyst and later became an Infrastructure Manager. I made lots of contacts and friends, and at that time I began studying Cloud Computing, more specifically AWS. Due to being familiarized with infrastructure, and having a programming background, the subject was quite comfortable and natural for me to understand. I started working at Amazon in São Paulo in Jan/2015. After one year I was relocated to NYC, which is where I am now, and I believe it’s my place on 🌎.

Everything started in 2010 when I lectured photography classes on a photography school in Rio de Janeiro called “Imagens e Aventuras” and loved doing that! I gave lessons about classic photo shooting, Adobe Photoshop, and Lightroom, and that was the first time in my life that I professionally taught to students. Enjoyed that so much that I wanted to work professionally with teaching and talking, and that changed my life.

I love my job, and I love Cloud Computing, I love traveling a lot, I also love photography and learning new stuff, I love teaching and transmitting my knowledge to others. If you identify yourself with those topics, welcome friend! I am a person that likes lots of things on life and enjoy sharing them with you. I speak English, Portuguese and Spanish, feel free to drop me a comment on any of those languages; if you want to leave me to comment in another language, translating tools can help us! :)

Pro Photostream

Here are some pictures about me doing what I love for living.

Photography, music, coffee, videogames


If you want to contact me, please add me on Twitter, Linkedin, send me an e-mail or use the form below.




Rafael Lopes

