
Primarily about photography but also about technology, coffee, music, videogames and cool stuff. May contain content in Portuguese


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O que vi e observei em Berlim

Hoje é 26 de Maio de 2023, e semana passada estive em Berlim em uma viagem fotográfica inacreditável! De início eu não gostei muito da cidade, fui com um mindset americano, achando que Europa seria perfeitinha e delicada. Estava meio frio e vento no primeiro dia, isso talvez tenha interferido um pouco. Mas a partir do segundo dia o tempo abriu, e eu saquei qual era a da parada. Levei a X-Pro3 e a 23mm f2. Essa é uma lente que eu tive quando comprei a câmera, mas vendi para um amigo para comprar uma 16mm. Senti falta e comprei de novo, porque acho que é uma das melhores lentes para fotografia de rua. Nem muito longe, nem muito perto. Acho que eu também teria feito fotos boas com a 16mm, mas acabei não levando pra não ficar carregando lente além da que estava na câmera. O objetivo primário da...

PhilJones Bass and the Kemper Profiler

Alright! I just reached an audio architecture that took me 10 hours to craft, and I am going to use this blog post as a memo to myself. I believe that writing is one of the best ways to retain knowledge, and this is stronger than me, I need to write, otherwise I have the risk of forgetting this. I have the following audio equipments: a PhilJones bass amplifier, a Kemper Profiler, and a Universal Audio Apollo Twin X. The Apollo has a S/PDIF input, 2 combo jack inputs behind, and a Hi-Z at the front. My requirements are: I need a way to record both dry and wet inputs at the same time No microphones or cabinet (neighbor dislikes it) Sometimes I want to use the Kemper, and sometimes I want to use the PJB combo bass Input 2 should be reserved for a Shure SM-7B for conference calls,...

Sandberg California - Oliver Riedel's edition

Recently, I bought a bass from Sandberg, a german brand. Their basses are known for pristine construction quality, and they offer a relic’ing service. I got very impressed with the quality and decided to take my Macro lens and make some shots. Read the post through the end if you want to know how the tone looks like! I am dividing this posting into 2 main categories: Photography and Music. Photography Music First and foremost: pancakes to the belly! Second: bass tabs at 4:47. Third: Please let me know if the reflex of my lights are distractive. Now the audio: It took me a while to get to this tone. I am using Oliver Riedel’s Sandberg bass. Although it’s an active instrument, I am using it in passive mode and doing a balance of 80% bridge 20% neck pickup, because that’s how Joe Dart bass from MusicMan kinda operates. I...




Rafael Lopes

